What is the difference between Marketing and Public Relations?
Marketing is about library user acquisition.
Public Relations is about creating “buzz.”
To be effective in getting your message delivered you need to establish clear goals, understand the values, priorities and motivations of your target audience and set measurable objectives. Start smart by getting to know your audience.
Creating a culture through your library that is engaging and energizing is part of building a “buzz.” Give people something to talk about – a good memory, a laugh, a positive shared experience. Create community through your library.
Effectively communicating your message will depend on how well you can tell the story of your library through facts, narrative and visuals. People need to relate to what you are saying and why you are saying it. Think through your story – the why behind the what.
Diversified delivery is key to ensuring you reach the maximum number of people with your message. Did you know? Word-of-Mouth is the #1 way Hudson Valley residents report learning about local information so be strategic!